Prepare for earthquakes 「地震に備えよう」
Prepare for earthquakes
What to do at the issuance of earthquake alert
There has been systematic approach to subdue the damage as small as possible by catching previously the beginning occurrence of “Tokai Jishin (Tokai Earthquake)” which is said to have high occurrence possibility, and announcing alert. It is called “Alert Declaration” and is announced by Prime Minister. Once Alert Declaration is announced, please calm down and take following actions. In addition, it is important to prepare emergency bags with drinking water, emergency food, first-aid kit, clothes, and valuables etc. in your daily life.
・Get accurate information through radio, TV, Toyokawa Face Book and Toyokawa Anshin-mail.
・Reconfirm each roles in case of emergency with family members.
・Refrain from using fire.
・Reconfirm evacuation route/place.
・Check the indoor safety measure.
・Prepare as much water as possible.
・Refrain from using cars and telephones.
・Get yourself in the state of immediate evacuation.
Locations of Evacuation in Toyokawa
If earthquake occurs
Should earthquake occur, big tremors are said to last around 1 minute. First, do not panic. Then, try not to cause second disaster such as fire. If earthquake occurs, please take following actions.
・Take yourself to safety in the first place.
・Turn off the fire immediately.
・Secure the exit.
・Do not rush to go outside.
・Do not get close to brick walls etc.
・Evacuate principally on foot.
Emergency carry out items
Please prepare previously things required immediately at evacuation in the disaster occurrence. The baggage weight would be roughly 15 kg for an adult man, and 10 kg for an adult woman.
・Emergency food (Sea biscuit, cracker, canned food, chocolate)
・Drinking water
・First-aid kit (Band-Aid, bandage, gauze, scissors, regular medicine for home)
・Clothes (Underwear, coat, work gloves)
・Valuables (Cash, bankbook, Inkan)
・Mobile phone
・Portable radio
・Rain gear
・Others (Tissue paper, wet tissue paper, towel, spare batteries, mask, alcohol for disinfection use)
Emergency supplies stock
By lifeline cut off etc., it can be foreseen difficulty with getting things such as food, drinking water and daily necessities. To cope with this, please store necessary things at home.
・Emergency food for about 3 days (Sea biscuit, Alfa rice, canned food, instant food)
・Drinking water (3 L/day for 3 days)
・Waterproof sheet
・Gas cook stove
・Milk, nursing bottle, diaper
・Sanitary item for women
・Alcohol for disinfection use
・Sleeping bag
・Candle and so on
Crisis Management Division (Kiki Kanri Ka)
Telephone: 0533-89-2194
City of Toyokawa - International and Civic Activity Division
豊川市役所 市民協働国際課
Postal code: 442-8601
Address: 1-1, Suwa, Toyokawa, Aichi, Japan
Phone: 0533-89-2158
Open days and time: Monday - Friday, 8:30am - 5:15pm
Holidays: Saturday, Sunday, National and Year-end and New-year Holidays December 29 - January 3