Recruiting Volunteers for the time of Disasters occurence 「災害時通訳ボランティア募集」
Recruiting Volunteers for the time of Disasters occurence
The City of Toyokawa now recruits volunteers (Japanese and foreign nationals) who can support foreign nationals by interpretation and translation in case of large scale disaster occurrence. Registration is accepted at Toyokawa City Hall International and Civic Activity Division (Shimin Kyodo Kokusai Ka).
Eligible Person
Person who can speak Japanese and a foreign language, aged 18 or older, able to participate in seminar and drill organized by Toyokawa city (Except Sr. High School Student).
City of Toyokawa - International and Civic Activity Division
豊川市役所 市民協働国際課
Postal code: 442-8601
Address: 1-1, Suwa, Toyokawa, Aichi, Japan
Phone: 0533-89-2158
Open days and time: Monday - Friday, 8:30am - 5:15pm
Holidays: Saturday, Sunday, National and Year-end and New-year Holidays December 29 - January 3