Aichi Prefectural Night Junior High School 「愛知県立夜間中学を開校します」
Aichi Prefectural Night Junior High School
The Aichi Prefectural Government is going to open a night junior high school in Toyohashi Koka High School in April 2025.
(Leaflet in English) Aichi Prefectural Night Junior High School (PDF:384KB)
(Leaflet in Tagalog) Aichi Prefectural Night Junior High School (PDF:419KB)
Aichi Prefectural Night Junior High School
Aichi Learning Division Aichi Prefectural Board of Education (Aichi no Manabi Suishin Ka)
Telephone: 052-954-6779
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City of Toyokawa - International and Civic Activity Division
豊川市役所 市民協働国際課
Postal code: 442-8601
Address: 1-1, Suwa, Toyokawa, Aichi, Japan
Phone: 0533-89-2158
Open days and time: Monday - Friday, 8:30am - 5:15pm
Holidays: Saturday, Sunday, National and Year-end and New-year Holidays December 29 - January 3