Notification of Marriage 「日本で結婚するには」
Notification of Marriage
When foreign nationals get married in Japan, it is necessary to file notification of marriage (Kon-in Todoke) at city hall with attachment of required documents defined by the laws of their home countries. Since attachment of documents differs depending on the person’s nationality, confirmation for necessary documents needs to be done in city hall beforehand. After completion of the marriage procedure in city hall, notification of marriage also needs to be filed at the consulate of the person’s country to validate the marriage in home country.
Civic Affairs Division
Telephone: 0533-89-2136
City of Toyokawa - International and Civic Activity Division豊川市役所 市民協働国際課
Postal code: 442-8601
Address: 1-1, Suwa, Toyokawa, Aichi, Japan
Phone: 0533-89-2158
Open days and time: Monday - Friday, 8:30am - 5:15pm
Holidays: Saturday, Sunday, National and Year-end and New-year Holidays December 29 - January 3