Have you finished taking vaccination for Human Papilloma Virus (HPV)? 「ヒトパピローマウイルス (HPV) 感染症ワクチンの接種はお済ですか」
Have you finished taking vaccination for Human Papilloma Virus (HPV)?
Regarding vaccination for Human Papilloma Virus, the end of free vaccination period is approaching. If you have not finished taking vaccination yet, please consider taking it at your earliest convenience.
Free vaccination period | Until March 31 (Mon.) 2025 |
Eligibility | Female person born between April 2, 1997 and April 1, 2009 who has not completed vaccination |
Others | Number of vaccinations differs depending on vaccine type. In case of 3-time vaccination, 1st vaccination needs to be taken by September 30 (Mon.) to complete the vaccination within the period. After above-mentioned period, charge will occur (About 100,000 yen). For details such as application method, confirm city website. |
Health Center (Hoken Center)
Telephone: 0533-89-0610
City of Toyokawa - International and Civic Activity Division
豊川市役所 市民協働国際課
Postal code: 442-8601
Address: 1-1, Suwa, Toyokawa, Aichi, Japan
Phone: 0533-89-2158
Open days and time: Monday - Friday, 8:30am - 5:15pm
Holidays: Saturday, Sunday, National and Year-end and New-year Holidays December 29 - January 3