About additional support measures for citizens who received damage caused by heavy rain on June 2 「6月2日大雨災害により被害を受けた市民の皆様への新たな支援策について」


About additional support measures for citizens who received damage caused by heavy rain on June 2

For person who received damage caused by heavy rain on June 2, 2023, application period of disaster relief money for housing damage by inundation under floor level, reduction of water service charge, and disaster relief money for automobile damage such as sunken vehicle is by November 30 (Thu.).
For direct submission, by November 30 (Thu.) 5:15 pm, and for submission by postal mail, November 30 (Postmak on this date is valid.).
If you have not applied yet, please take procedures at your earliest convenience.

Application period etc.

(1)Period: From August 1(Tue.), 2023 to November 30 (Thu.), 2023 (Except weekend and holiday)
(2)Hour: From 8:30 am to 5:15 pm
(3)Responsible Window: Toyokawa City Hall Main Bldg. 1F Regional Welfare Division (Chiiki Fukushi Ka) "Heavy Rain Disaster Support Window" (Oame Saigai Shien Madoguchi)
※It is a common window for the following support’s application.
(4)How to apply: Send application form by postal mail or bring it directly to the responsible window.
※Where to submit: Heavy Rain Diaster Support Window (Oame Saigai Shien Madoguchi) (Toyokawa City Hall Main Bldg. 1F Regional Welfare Division (Chiiki Fukushi Ka) 〒442-8601 Toyokawa Shi, Suwa 1 Chome 1 Banchi)

Content of support

(1)Disaster relief money for damage caused by inundation under floor level

Eligible person

“Householder” with its address in Toyokawa in times of the disaster whose household received damage caused by the disaster

Eligible housing

Among damaged housing, the housing which received damage caused by inundation under floor level (Excluding the household which received disaster relief money based on the ordinance concerning payment of condolence money etc.)

Sum of the relief money

5,000 yen per household

Indispensable document

Necessary common documents (1 and 2)
1.Application form for disaster relief money (inundation under floor level) and water service charge reduction etc.
2.Disaster Victim Certificate (Risai Shomei Sho) or documents proving the fact of damage caused by inundation under floor level (Photos etc.)
※Original documents or their copies
3. Proxy form (Inin Jo) (Only those who need)
Proxy form needs to be submitted in case that another person but householder receives disaster relief money.
4. Request form (Moshitate Sho) (Only those who need)
In case that proving documents etc. are not available, it is necessary to submit request form with application form.

Forms for application etc.


(2)Reduction of water service charge, sewer service charge, and agricultural water release facilities charge

Eligible person

Among persons (individuals only) using water service, sewer service, or agricultural water release facilities, person who received damage caused by inundation under floor level or further
For person who received Disaster Victim Certificate (Risai Shomei Sho), reduction is implemented based on the certificate. Application is not necessary.

Content of reduction

Concerning service charge of water, sewer, and agricultural water release facilities from June to October, service charge for 2 months (for 1 term) will be reduced as follows.

A. Content of reduction in case of inundation over floor level
Water service charge All the charge of pay-per-use for 2 months is reduced.
Sewer service charge All the charge for 2 months is reduced.
Agricultural water release facilities charge

B. Content of reduction in case of inundation under floor level
Water service charge Amount of water for 2 months is reduced to 10 cubic meters as maximum (5 cubic meters as maximum for respective month).
Sewer service charge Amount of drained water for 2 months with 21 cubic meters or more is reduced to 10 cubic meters as maximum (5 cubic meters as maximum for respective month).
Agricultural water release facilities charge The quota for 2 persons is reduced from the number of household members for 2 months of per capita sum (1 person for respective month).

Necessary documents

In case that Disaster Victim Certificate (Risai Shomei Sho) has not been issued, it is necessary to apply for it. Attach documents proving the damage caused by inundation over/under floor level to the application form.

Forms for application etc.


(3)Disaster relief money for automobile damage such as sunken vehicle

Eligible person

“Individual person” who was living in Toyokawa city in times of the disaster (Excluding corporation)

Eligible vehicle (Vehicle which meets both A and B.)

A. Vehicle which was owned or used for daily life
※Large-sized 2 wheeler vehicle, ordinary-sized 2 wheeler vehicle, Large-sized special vehicle, and small-sized special vehicle are not eligible.
※Only the vehicle whose vehicle inspection certificate (Jidosha Kensa Sho) was valid in times of the disaster.
B. Vehicle which was scrapped (Including purchasing a new one, ownership transfer) or caused some expense for its repairment/inspection

Sum of relief money

Scrapped vehicle: 30,000 yen per vehicle
Repairment, inspection: 10,000 yen per vehicle

Necessary documents

Indispensable common documents (1 and 2)
1. Payment application form (Shikyu Shinsei Sho)
Applicant needs to be “owner” or “user” of the vehicle.
2. Copy of ID
Driver’s license, National Health Insurance certificate, My Number Card (Front side) etc.
The following 3 to 6 documents differ depending on “scrapped vehicle” or “repairment/inspection”.

Person who scrapped its vehicle

3. Certificate of Fact (Jijitsu Shomei Sho) concerning scrapped vehicle, repairment etc.
Ask automobile maintenance・sales company taking procedures for scrapping the vehicle or damage insurance company to prepare the certificate using the form on this website.
If you have document 3, additional documents are not necessary.

In case of not being able to prepare document 3, documents 4 and 5 are necessary.
4. Copy of the document which proves the scrapped vehicle
Notification of registered identification information etc. (Touroku Shikibetsu Joho Tou Tsuchi Sho), Certificate of Registered Matters etc. (Touroku Jiko Tou Shomei Sho), Certificate of Returning Automobile Inspection Certificate (Jidousha Tenken Sho Henno Somei Sho), Bill of early cancellation penalty of lease agreement etc.
5. Copy of the documents etc. which prove the damage to the vehicle caused by heavy rain


Person who had the vehicle repaired/inspected

3. Copy of Vehicle Inspection Certificate (Jidosha Kensa Sho)
Document which proves the applicant is the “owner” or “user” of the vehicle
4. Copy of the document which shows repairment/inspection situation
List, bill, receipt etc. concerning the repairment or inspection
※Document with applicant’s name, the vehicle’s number
5. Copy of the documents etc. which prove the damage to the vehicle caused by heavy rain

If documents 3 to 5 are all prepared, application can be accepted.

In case of not being able to prepare document 3 to 5, document 6 is necessary.
6. Certificate of Fact (Jijitsu Shomei Sho) concerning scrapped vehicle, repairment etc.
Ask automobile maintenance・sales company in charge of the vehicle’s repairment etc. or damage insurance company to prepare the certificate using the form on this website.

Forms for application etc.


 Heavy rain disaster support window
 (Toyokawa City Bosai Center 1F Shimin Kenshu Shitsu: Call Center)
 〒442-8601 Toyokawa Shi, Suwa 1 Chome 1 Banchi
 (1) Hour: Weekday from 8:30 am to 5:15 pm
 (2) Telephone: 0533-56-2349


City of Toyokawa - International and Civic Activity Division
豊川市役所 市民協働国際課
Postal code: 442-8601
Address: 1-1, Suwa, Toyokawa, Aichi, Japan
Phone: 0533-89-2158
Open days and time: Monday - Friday, 8:30am - 5:15pm
Holidays: Saturday, Sunday, National and Year-end and New-year Holidays December 29 - January 3
