外国人英語指導助手(AET)の登録について Registry for AET(ALT)s
*A translation in English is written below each section
外国人英語指導助手の募集について Registry for AET/ALTs
Would you like to work as an AET/ALT in JH and ESs in Toyokawa city along side Japanese HRTs?
If you record your details here we will contact you when there is a position available
応募対象者 Those who can apply
・英語を常用語とし 海外に住んだ経験や日本以外の国の文化について十分な理解があり、英語教育に意欲的で、自家用車で通勤可能な方
Native Level of English have lived abroad and have enough knowledge of the culture of a country other than Japan interest in English education able to commute by own car
申し込み方法 How to apply
Come to the BOE on the 3rd floor of the Otowa office with your resume and residence card
The BOE will contact you when a position becomes available
Details of employment will be given when you apply in person