The policy for use of Official Facebook(in English)豊川市役所公式Facebook(英語版)運用ポリシー
Facebook URL:
International and Civic Activity Division, Toyokawa City Hall decides on a policy for use of Official Facebook, hereinafter called “the page”. The details of the policy are as follows;
The purpose of the page of 「Toyokawa City Hall」will dispatch general information about the city as well as disaster alert to the foreign residents in English.
Account Information
Name of the account is 「Toyokawa City Hall」and the URL is as follows;
International and Civic Activity Division, Toyokawa City Hall
Operation Time
In principal, the page is updated between 8:30am – 5:15pm (Office Hours) irregularly, but it may be up-dated off-hours when necessary.
Respond to the comment
In principal, the page is for dispatching the information only, therefore, no response is made. If you have any questions or requirements, please send an E-mail to or call at 0533-89-2158 directly.
Prohibited Item
The comment which has no relevant of the article of the page or comes under the following subject will delete entirely or partially.
- The statement which violates the low or may be a possibility of violation of the law.
- The statement should not defame the specified person, company, organization and so on.
- The statement which is relevant to the politics and religious activities.
- The statement which is an immoral.
- The statement which promotes criminals.
- The statement which invades of privacy ,discloses and leaks personal information without the subject’s agreement.
- The statement which infringes a patent right , a design right, a copyright and an image right of the third party.
- The statement which discriminates against race, ideology, principle or develops discrimination.
- The statement which aims to do inappropriate activities through the page such as advertisement, persuasion, sales promotion and other business activities.
- The statement which differs from the fact notably or is false.
- The content which includes harmful program.
- The statement which includes inappropriate article such as indecent expression etc.
- The statement which can be judged as inappropriate to operate the program.
Intellectual Property Rights
1.The right of the work (article, picture, voices etc.) will be possessed by International and Civic Activity Division, except particular notification.
2.The name of the company or product which appears in the page is a registered trade mark of the original.
Escape Clauses
1.The division makes doubly sure that information on the page all is right, however, accuracy, perfection and usefulness are not guaranteed.
2.The link from the page to other Web site makes convenience to the user only, not to secure privacy policy and accessibility of the linked site.
3.The division has no responsibility for the statement written on the linked page from ours.
4.Under any circumstances, the division will have no responsibility for the damage or loss by access to the page.
Change in the Policy for the use of Official Facebook in English
The Policy for the use of the page will be changed without a notice.