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About Allowance System for Disabled Persons (Shougaisha Teate Seido) 「障害者手当制度について」


About Allowance System for Disabled Persons (Shougaisha Teate Seido)

Toyokawa city implements allowance system for disabled persons to provide substantial welfare service for disabled persons. Please contact responsible division for details.

1. Special Allowance for Disabled Persons (Tokubetsu Shougaisha Teate)

This allowance is paid to person with age 20 years and older who has severe disability and needs constant special nursing care, and meets certain requirements. However, if the person is in facilities (Including Long-Term Care Health Facilities 〈Kaigo Rojin Hoken Shisetsu〉, Medical and Nursing care Sanatoriums 〈Kaigo Ryoyogata Iryou Shisetsu〉), or is in hospital over 3 months, eligibility is not applied.

2. Welfare Allowance for Children with Disabilities (Shougai Ji Fukushi Teate)

This allowance is paid to person younger than 20 years old who has severe disability and needs constant special nursing care, and meets certain requirements. However, if the person is in facilities, or is a recipient of pension due to disabilities, eligibility is not applied.

3. Allowance for persons with severe disabilities at home (Zaitaku Jyudo Shougaisha Teate)

It is paid to person with severe disabilities who cannot receive the allowance 1 and 2 mentioned above, and meets certain requirements written below.

  • Has combination of Physically Disabled Person's Handbook (Shintai Shougaisha Techo) Level 1 or 2, and Rehabilitation Handbook (Ryouiku Techo ) A.
  • Has one of Physically Disabled Person's Handbook (Shintai Shougaisha Techo) Level 1 or 2, and Rehabilitation Handbook (Ryouiku Techo ) A.
  • Has combination of Physically Disabled Person's Handbook (Shintai Shougaisha Techo) Level 3, and Rehabilitation Handbook (Ryouiku Techo ) B.

However, if the person is in facilities (Including Long-Term Care Health Facilities 〈Kaigo Rojin Hoken Shisetsu〉, Medical and Nursing care Sanatoriums〈Kaigo Ryoyogata Iryou Shisetsu〉), or is in hospital over 3 months, or the person aged 65 or older who newly obtained above mentioned certificate, eligibility is not applied.

4. Allowance for enhancing the happiness of disabled persons (Shougaisha no Shiawase wo Takameru Teate)

It is paid to person who has Physically Disabled Person's Handbook (Shintai Shougaisha Techo), Rehabilitation Handbook (Ryouiku Techo ), or Mental Disability Certificate (Seishin Shougaisha Hoken Fukushi Techo). However, if the person is in facilities (Excluding Long-Term Care Health Facilities 〈Kaigo Rojin Hoken Shisetsu〉, Medical and Nursing care Sanatoriums 〈Kaigo Ryoyogata Iryou Shisetsu〉), eligibility is not applied.

5. Special Child Rearing Allowance (Tokubetsu Jido Fuyo Teate)

It is paid to guardian of the person younger than 20 years old with disability who meets one of the following requirements (It is applicable in case that the person does not have a Rehabilitation Handbook 〈Ryoiku Techo〉and Physically Disabed Person's Handbook 〈Shintai Shougaisha Techo〉).

  • Whose condition is equivalent to Rehabilitation Handbook (Ryouiku Techo) A, or Physically Disabled Person's Handbook (Shintai Shougaisha Techo) Level 1 or 2.
  • Whose condition is equivalent to Rehabilitation Handbook (Ryouiku Techo) B, or Physically Disabled Person's Handbook (Shintai Shougaisha Techo) Level 3.

In case that the child is admitted to facilities or can receive public pension for the reason of disability, the child is not eligible for this allowance.


 Disability Welfare Division (Shogai Fukushi Ka)
 Telephone: 0533-89-2131


City of Toyokawa - International and Civic Activity Division
豊川市役所 市民協働国際課
Postal code: 442-8601
Address: 1-1, Suwa, Toyokawa, Aichi, Japan
Phone: 0533-89-2158
Open days and time: Monday - Friday, 8:30am - 5:15pm
Holidays: Saturday, Sunday, National and Year-end and New-year Holidays December 29 - January 3




〒442-8601 愛知県豊川市諏訪1丁目1番地 電話:0533-89-2111(代表)
開庁日時:月曜から金曜 午前8時30分から午後5時15分 閉庁日:土曜・日曜、国民の祝日、年末年始(12月29日から1月3日)
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