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Toyokawa City Childbirth・Child Rearing Support Project starts 「豊川市出産・子育て応援事業を開始します」


Toyokawa City Childbirth・Child Rearing Support Project starts

Following national policy, Toyokawa city implements “Childbirth・Child Rearing Support Project” from January 2023. This project is aimed for implementation of unified programs (“Accompanying Type Consultative Support“ for the purpose of securing environment of childbirth and child rearing for all the pregnant women and child rearing households, and “Financial Support” to reduce the burden of buying childbirth and child rearing related goods, and using support service etc.).

Flow of the project

  1. At the point of maternity passbook issuance, pregnant woman fills in questionnaire and has an interview. Then, by application, Childbirth Support Gift (50,000 yen ) is paid to the person.
  2. Questionnaire is given to the person in ca. 8th month of pregnancy and interview is held for those who desire.
  3. After the interview by visiting staff, the person raising child applies for the benefit. Then, Child Rearing Support Gift (50,000 yen per child ) is paid to the person.

Accompanying Type Consultative Support

Public health nurse, midwife, and nurse etc. provide continuous consultative support from pregnancy period.

Financial support

Type of Gift Sum Eligibile Person
Childbirth Support Gift 50,000 yen per pregnant woman

Person who meets one of the following conditions

  1. Person who submitted pregnancy notification on April 1, 2022 and after
  2. Woman whose child was born on April 1, 2022 and after
Child Rearing Support Gift 50,000 yen per child Person raising child who was born on April 1, 2022 and after

※Eligibility: Person who has Basic Resident Register of Toyokawa city and has not received Child Rearing Support Gift in another municipality at the point of application
※Person who is elgibile for both Childbirth Support Gift and Child Rearing Support Gift can receive both benefits.

Notificatin period of application

Type of Benefit Notification Period
Childbirth Support Gift

At the point of maternity passbook issuance (※)

Child Rearing Support Gift

When a staff visits the baby (※)

※Notifications are sequentially mailed to respective persons who submitted pregnacy notification between April 1 and December 31, 2022. Pease confirm the notification.


In case that representing person receives maternity passbook in place of pregnant woman

Representing person cannot take procedures of “Application for Childbirth Support Gift”. Since interview with pregnant woman is essential for application, Health Center will contact you later on.

In case of moving out from Toyokawa and moving in another municipality

You cannot receive “Childbirth・Child Rearing Support Gift” from both municipalities.
In case of moving out, concerning Child Rearing Support Gift which is paid after childbirth, the benefit can be received from the municipality in which you had interview and applied after childbirth.

In case of returning to hometown temporarily

If you want to have interview in the municipality of your hometown, contact Health Center after childbirth.


 Health Center (Hoken Center)
 Telephone: 0533-89-0610


City of Toyokawa - International and Civic Activity Division
豊川市役所 市民協働国際課
Postal code: 442-8601
Address: 1-1, Suwa, Toyokawa, Aichi, Japan
Phone: 0533-89-2158
Open days and time: Monday - Friday, 8:30am - 5:15pm
Holidays: Saturday, Sunday, National and Year-end and New-year Holidays December 29 - January 3




〒442-8601 愛知県豊川市諏訪1丁目1番地 電話:0533-89-2111(代表)
開庁日時:月曜から金曜 午前8時30分から午後5時15分 閉庁日:土曜・日曜、国民の祝日、年末年始(12月29日から1月3日)
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